Procter & Gamble is testing a soap dispenser that emits an audible alarm in order to remind people to wash their hands after using a public toilet, according to the Business Courier.
Statistics about how many germs restroom patrons come in contact with, which were cited in an online ad for the product, might be even more alarming, the article stated.
"Public toilets have more than 3 million germs per square inch, causing diseases like flu, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Despite this, shockingly, one in three people do not wash their hands after using a public toilet — meaning one in three toilet-goers are spreading disease," said the narrator of the ad.
According to the article, the door locks on stalls in public restrooms in some fast-food restaurants, schools and offices in the Philippines were "rigged with pressure sensors, which connected to Safeguard Germ Alarms mounted on walls like standard soap dispensers."
"When a toilet user unlocked the door to exit, it triggered the alarm. To stop the alarm, the person has to press the soap dispenser button. This causes the dispenser to release soap," the narrator added.
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