Your dad may have taught you it’s a manly thing to have a firm one.
You may have a softer version for your aunt or grandmother.
But, did you ever consider, despite handshaking’s long history and worldwide practice, that it might not be healthy?
Sure, many who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) abhor the practice. Consider celebrities like Howie Mandel and Howard Stern – they believe the plague lurks in the palms of would-be fans and greeters. They’d rather gargle bleach than shake a hand of a stranger.
But, there are some in the health care field who believe it’s time to ban the practice outright.
That’s right, there are doctors and respected associations of health-care professionals who espouse a ban on handshaking in some settings.
Let’s first consider the history of handshaking, at least recent history...
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