Thursday, April 23, 2015

Putting Children First: Excel Dryer and Green Apple

In 2014, Excel Dryer partnered with the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to release the custom-covered Green Apple XLERATOR®.

A portion of all Green Apple XLERATOR® proceeds go back to the Center’s Green Apple initiative to put all students in safe, sustainable schools where they can not only learn, but thrive.

A quarter of all Americans walk through the doors of a school every day. Yet instead of walking into places of opportunity, millions enter buildings where the air they breathe is filled with toxins and mold, where classrooms are poorly lit and overcrowded and where resources are limited and outdated. Too many of our children are learning in buildings that are compromising their health and ability to succeed. Our kids deserve better.


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